I write about times and places I would visit in a time machine, like ancient Rome or the Wild West.
Caroline Lawrence
Due to hurricane Ian, we diverted this year from our typical 🌴⛵️ to 🌵 🔥
Icons of the southwest:
Tucson, Arizona is home to the nation’s largest cacti. The giant saguaro is the universal symbol of the American west. These majestic plants, found only in a small portion of the United States, are protected by Saguaro National Park, to the east and west of the modern city of Tucson. Here you have a chance to see these enormous cacti, silhouetted by the beauty of a magnificent desert sunset.
Located on the site of the historic Porter property, The Canadian Garden Council and the American Public Gardens Association named Tucson Botanical Gardens as one of the top 10 North American Gardens worth traveling for. A lush oasis in the heart of Tucson offering mature trees and expertly cultivated foliage, specialty gardens such as the Cactus & Succulent Garden, Barrio Garden, and Herb Garden highlight the diversity of native plants. Tropical butterflies from around the world are featured in the Cox Butterfly & Orchid Pavilion Oct.–May. Experience year-round art exhibits, classes, and events, as well as the creative, seasonal menu of Edna’s Eatery. Now celebrating over 40 years of living beauty, The Tucson Botanical Gardens is a unique gem not to be missed.
A moron on the patio, Tucson 2023Seis Kitchen & Coffee, a local coffee shop I went to several times. Tucson, 3.2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023A spring training baseball, home of the Cubs, game in Sedona, AZ 3.2023A spring training baseball, home of the Cubs, game in Sedona, AZ 3.2023A spring training baseball, home of the Cubs, game in Sedona, AZ 3.2023Our neighborhood in Tucson 3.2023Our neighborhood in Tucson 3.2023Handsome idiot relaxing on the patio March 2023Dinner in downtown Tucsone, March 2023Dinner in downtown Tucsone, March 2023March weather in Tuscan Mini golfing in Tucson, a family tradition. March 2023“The Scoresheet” of the mini golf game in Tucson, March 2023First breakfast on the patio, Tucson March 2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023Coffee shop in downtown Tucson, Mr. Handsome in his natural habitat, March 2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023A roadrunner in our neighborhood in Tuscon March 2023Our lovely patio in the evening, Tucson March 2023Sunrise, Tucson in March 2023A view from our patio in the evening, Tucson March 2023 (downtown Tucson in the distance).A view from our patio in the evening, Tucson March 2023 (downtown Tucson in the distance).Dinner in downtown Tucson, March 2023Dinner in downtown Tucson, March 2023A sunny and cozy patio, Tucson March 2023Snow on the mountain, seeing from our patio via downtown Tucson, March 2023Panorama from the patio looking at downtown Tucson, March 2023In N’ Out hamburger joint: Geet’s treat. Tucson March 2023Farmers Market in Tucson March 2023First breakfast on the patio, Tucson March 2023First breakfast on the patio, Tucson March 2023A sunny and cozy patio, Tucson March 2023A sunny and cozy patio, Tucson March 2023 (downtown Tucson in the back.)A sunny and cozy patio, Tucson March 2023Airbnb in Tucson 3.2023Airbnb in Tucson 3.2023Airbnb in Tucson 3.2023Our lovely airbnb in Tucson, 3.2023 (the patio & downtown Tucson in the distance.)Our lovely airbnb in Tucson, 3.2023 (the patio & downtown Tucson in the distance.)We heard this little fellow dailyA visitor on the patio, Tucson March 2023Our house in Tucson March 2023Our lovely patio overlooking downtown Tucson, March 2023A view from our patio, looking at downtown Tucson 2023A view from our patio, looking at downtown Tucson 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Tucson Botanical Gardens, March 2023Had a great dinner in this restaurant in downtown Tucson, March 2023A spring training baseball game in Sedona, AZ. Sloan Park where the Diamobacks beat the Cubs. 3.2023A spring training baseball game in Sedona, AZ. Sloan Park where the Diamobacks beat the Cubs. 3.2023Mini golf in Tucson 2023A brewery in Tucson, one of several Yoni tired. March 2023Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023 (Tucson, Arizona is home to the nation’s largest cacti.)Saguaro National Park in Tucson 3.2023 (Tucson, Arizona is home to the nation’s largest cacti.)Cheers in our airbnb in Tucson, 3.2023Minnesota sports we’ve assembled in the kitchen. The previous family had a “Wisconsin” theme going 🤬 Tucson 2023Our lovely patio overlooking downtown Tucson, March 2023A visitor on the patio, Tucson March 2023Our lovely patio overlooking downtown Tucson, March 2023Farmers Market in Tucson 2023A brewery in Tucson, one of several Yoni tired. March 2023Our lovely patio overlooking downtown Tucson, March 2023Our lovely patio overlooking downtown Tucson, March 2023Yoni’s bedroom in Tucson’s airbnb, 3.2023In the airport, getting to board the plane to Tucson… De-icing got into the engine, so we had to come back and switch planes. March 2023
About Glida
This site started as “glida.org,” named after our dog Glida (read more in the sidebar). We brought Glida home after visiting Israel; she was a stray 🐶 looking for 💙… We love traveling and this is our story in photos. Thanks for visiting.
This little mutt with a healthy ego inspired in me the idea of creating a website. The site has evolved since but it’s core, seeing hazily, remained intact.
Glida was born in Israel and immigrated to the US in 1996. She’s a mutt with bogus interests and limited social skills, much like her dad. Besides chasing squirrels and bunnies (she never caught one!), she likes her two walks a day — rain or shine — and getting unhealthy treats. Feel free to roam the site and get lost in its forbidden lifelessness.
Sadly, on November 19, 2011, Glida passed away at 17. They say about Israeli natives (such as Glida and I), that we’re like Sabras (Israeli cactus): prickle on the outside and sweet on the inside. Glida, however, was prickle on the outside and prickle on the inside. Gonna miss you tons “Doggy Bag.”